PB Roofing



Providing Expertise in Roof Insulation Throughout Odessa, TX

Insulation plays an essential part of your home’s energy performance. Not only does this affect the comfort of your home but also the cost of your bills, too. Proper insulation can help protect your home from moisture, mold, and mildew, making it a safer environment for everyone inside.

PB Roofing began our business offering spray foam insulation services, so we know a thing or two about how to do it properly, safely, and efficiently! It is one of the first major steps to a more comfortable home, and it doesn’t take long to accomplish. We are happy to answer all of your questions regarding your home’s insulation and can lead you through the entire process.

Ready to cut down on those energy bills? Contact a top-rated Odessa roofing company today!

Roof Insulation FAQs

Spray foam is what is most commonly used to insulate attics. Not only is it affordable, but it is also convenient for hard-to-reach areas and ensures that every surface is covered.
We recommend homeowners relocate for 1-3 days after the insulation is installed. This includes pets! All of the chemicals that may be released through the process will naturally dissipate.
Our expert insulation technicians create the mixture of chemicals just before spraying. We have years of experience doing this, so we can execute the process quickly and avoid any discomfort or smells in your home.

Insulating your attic and roof is an easy way to protect your home’s integrity and avoid expensive repairs later on. PB Roofing is here to help guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to learn more about our insulation installation services.

Hire a Team of Roofing Professionals You Can Trust

With over 30 years of experience in the industry behind us, our team is here to help homeowners and businesses throughout the Permian Basin with all of their roofing needs. From roofing repair or a new roof to meeting with an adjuster from your insurance company after a storm, we've got you covered. If it's time to find a roofing partner you can rely on for years to come, contact PB Roofing today to schedule a free inspection.

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