PB Roofing



A Leader in Asphalt Shingle Roofing in Odessa, TX

Asphalt shingles have long been a reliable and affordable roofing solution for homes throughout the country. However, not every asphalt shingle is made equally. We only use top-quality shingles that are more attractive, durable, and long-lasting than basic shingles. This way, you can always feel confident in the look and feel of your roof, no matter the season.

PB Roofing in Odessa is dedicated to helping our customers feel protected all year round. There are so many factors to consider when replacing your roof, and we understand that it can get quite overwhelming! Our team is here to lead you through every step of the process. If it’s time to improve your roof, contact us today for a free inspection! If asphalt shingles aren’t what you’re searching for, we also specialize in metal roofing and flat roofing.

Types of Asphalt Shingle Roofs We Install

Architectural Asphalt Shingles
Architectural asphalt shingles are often an excellent choice for homeowners due to their durability and affordability. They come in various colors, textures, and styles, so you can choose the look that best suits your home’s exterior design. Architectural asphalt shingles have a unique three-dimensional appearance that gives homes a more upscale look than traditional 3-tab shingles.
Premium Asphalt Shingles
Premium asphalt shingles are made to look like the best of the best. You can find them designed to look like wood or slate, achieving the high-end exterior you’ve always dreamed of for your home at a fraction of the cost! With so many different looks and benefits, it’s easy to see why specialty shingles are becoming a popular choice among homeowners.
Impact Resistant Shingles Impact-resistant shingles are the most durable against high-impact, including large and heavy hailstones, tree limbs, or rocks. These shingles offer maximum durability and protection in the asphalt shingle category. If you are worried that your home’s surroundings make your home susceptible to roofing damage, you may want to consider impact-resistant shingles.

Why Install Asphalt Shingles?

Most Affordable Pricing
Compared to other roofing materials, asphalt shingles are the most affordable, and you still get a roof that lasts 20 or more years! Whether you need a new roof right away or have time to plan for your budget, asphalt shingle roofs are the easiest to save up for and install when you need.
Different Colors and Styles
Asphalt shingles arguably have the widest variety of styles to choose from. Whether you are looking for a specific color or want your roof to look like an entirely different material, we’ve likely got a shingle product that will suit your vision!
Low Maintenance
Outside of basic repairs and keeping your roof clean, there is not much maintenance you need to worry about with your asphalt shingle roof. We recommend scheduling an inspection at least once a year to ensure that your roof is always in its best condition.

Shingle Roof FAQs

Asphalt shingle roofs can cost between $340 to $400 per square, depending on the type of roof you choose for your home. Other factors that will affect the cost of your roofing project include required roof repairs and the size of your home.
Our team recommends scheduling an inspection for your roof once a year. During the inspection, we will be able to pinpoint any areas that need repair or attention. Otherwise, we will let you know that your roof is doing great! Scheduling a routine inspection will also allow you to always know the condition of your roof in case it’s time to start planning ahead for a replacement.
Around the Odessa area, asphalt shingle roofs last between 20-30 years if they are not unexpectedly damaged during a storm.
Asphalt shingle roofs have the shortest lifespan compared to other roofing materials, and they are also difficult to recycle and contribute to landfills.

PB Roofing is small enough to care about every customer and large enough to take on complex roofing jobs throughout Odessa, TX and the surrounding areas. We accommodate several types of roofing projects at a competitive price so that you can feel great about every experience working with us. Are you ready to explore new options for your residential roof? Contact us today to schedule your free inspection!

Hire a Team of Roofing Professionals You Can Trust

We're excited to let you know that our team at PB Roofing boasts more than 30 years of experience and is dedicated to helping homeowners and businesses throughout the Permian Basin with their roofing needs. Our team puts great emphasis on providing the highest quality services, including roofing repairs and installations, help with insurance claims, and more. Rest assured that with PB Roofing, you can trust us to take care of all your roofing needs safely and efficiently. Contact us today to schedule a free inspection and let us show you firsthand why we're a team you can rely on for years to come.

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